I have a table in postgres which has this three columns id_0,turnr and tags. tags column data type is hstore. currently i am using this query which is not working
INSERT INTO relation_15_02_2020 (tags)
"restriction"=>"(select distinct(turnr) from relation_15_02_2020 ) "
How can i add
"restriction"=>" turnr value for respective id
desired output for id_0 =1 tags
You want to update the rows, not insert new ones:
update relation_15_02_2020
set tags = hstore(array['type', 'restriction'], array['restriction', turnr])
where id_0 = 1;
update relation_15_02_2020
set tags = hstore('type', 'restriction')||hstore('restriction', turnr)
where id_0 = 1;