Actually I want to select matched records from two tables with hierarchical data from the first table
I have two tables:
tmpos_category table with columns (category_refid(pk),category_name,parent_ref_id). i am storing hierarchical data in it.
tmpos_menu_child table with columns (id(pk),title,category_ref_ids(fk)). category_ref_ids field from tmpos_menu_child table references the category_refid field of tmpos_category table.
this is a tmpos_category table with hierarchical categories
tmpos_menu_child table with category_ref_ids as fk refrances category(category_refid ) column
SELECT DISTINCT ct.category_name,ct.category_refid,ct.parent_ref_id
from tmpos_category ct
JOIN tmpos_menu_child tmc
ON ct.category_refid = tmc.category_ref_ids
Now My Question is when i join tmpos_category table and tmpos_menu_child table i will get all distinct matched category but i also want selected category parent records
If you can only have 2 levels in your hierarchy, i.e. a parent cannot itself have a parent, then two JOINs will do it.
SELECT AS item_id, i.title AS item_title
, c.category_refid, c.category_name
, c.parent_ref_id, p.category_name AS parent_name
FROM tmpos_menu_child i
JOIN tmpos_category c ON c.category_refid = i.category_ref_ids
LEFT JOIN tmpos_category p ON p.category_refid = c.parent_ref_id
If the hierarchy can be deep, you should use a hierarchical query, which in most DBMS's are done with a recursive CTE (common table expression).
WITH RECURSIVE Item_and_Cat (item_id, item_title, category_level,
category_refid, category_name, parent_ref_id) AS (
SELECT AS item_id, i.title AS item_title
, c.category_refid, c.category_name
, 1 AS category_level, c.parent_ref_id
FROM tmpos_menu_child i
JOIN tmpos_category c ON c.category_refid = i.category_ref_ids
SELECT i.item_id, i.item_title
, p.category_refid, p.category_name
, i.category_level + 1 AS category_level, p.parent_ref_id
FROM Item_and_Cat i
JOIN tmpos_category p ON p.category_refid = i.parent_ref_id
SELECT item_id, item_title, category_refid, category_name, category_level
FROM Item_and_Cat
keyword is required for PostgreSQL and MySQL, but not allowed for Oracle DB and SQL Server.
From comment:
i want there parents as record(in seperate row)
To get parent records as separate rows, run the query twice and combine with UNION
SELECT AS item_id, i.title AS item_title
, c.category_refid, c.category_name, 0 AS is_parent
FROM tmpos_menu_child i
JOIN tmpos_category c ON c.category_refid = i.category_ref_ids
SELECT AS item_id, i.title AS item_title
, p.category_refid, p.category_name, 1 AS is_parent
FROM tmpos_menu_child i
JOIN tmpos_category c ON c.category_refid = i.category_ref_ids
JOIN tmpos_category p ON p.category_refid = c.parent_ref_id