I have an array of types declared as
const APIS = [NewsApi, CommentsApi, FileApi];
I want to have a method that accepts one of these types from that APIS
array, like the following:
myMethod<T extends anyof APIS>(apiType: T): T {
const api = new apiType(); //pseudo code, does not work off course
// some common configuration code
return api;
. I cannot do myMethod<T extends NewsApi|CommentsApi>(): T
, as the APIS array is auto generated. Is this possible with typescript?
Aleksey's solution works great for passing in the input. However, the return type cannot be inferred from the usage.
const myApi = myMethod(NewsApi);
In above case, myApi is not of type NewsApi
, but NewsApi|CommentsApi|FileApi
Is it possible to set the return type explicitly to instance of input api type?
If you can change definition of the array to readonly tuple:
const APIS = [NewsApi, CommentsApi, FileApi] as const;
then you can get union of possible array values using lookup type:
type ApiConstructors = typeof APIS[number];
function myMethod<T extends InstanceType<ApiConstructors>>(apiType: new () => T): T {
return new apiType();
const api = myMethod(NewsApi); // api is of type NewsApi
InstanceType utility used to get instance type of a constructor function.