Possibly related to - Redis command to get all available keys?
I have a Redis server storing SixPack data (https://github.com/sixpack/sixpack - a framework to enable A/B testing). I can monitor the Redis server and see the following sample entries when I run monitor command:
$ redis-cli monitor|grep 'TEST'
I can see that there are several keys being used/set. I am attaching a sample below:
1581720438.878978 [15] "GETBIT" "sixpack:e:-28591_:excluded" "2307"
1581720439.623866 [15] "LRANGE" "sixpack:e:-28003_:alternatives" "0" "-1"
1581720439.624209 [15] "HGET" "sixpack:e:-28003_" "traffic_fraction"
1581720439.624557 [15] "GET" "sixpack:e:-28003_:winner"
1581720439.624822 [15] "HEXISTS" "sixpack:e:-28003_" "archived"
1581720439.625110 [15] "EVALSHA" "bcbf3b3ac336a33c2cd7ad0e1fca28db7b49fdee" "1" "sixpack:e:-28003_Recapture:users" "ac945bf7-285e-4f69-83fd-1336e084a318"
However, when I try to access the keys by running $ redis-cli KEYS '*'
command, I only get an empty list (empty list or set)
Updated: I checked that this is not a cluster setup. I also check the DBSIZE command. It returns 0.
How can I derive the keys from the MONITOR output? Is there a way to get all the keys in a Redis CLI?
The appropriate database index should be used when running the KEYS command if more than one Redis database is in use.
$redis-cli -n <DB number> KEYS '*' # or use --scan
Redis comes with 16 default 'databases' which can be used to split the keys up. To use them from the tool, redis-cli -n 2
to start using the 3rd DB (the default is 0). Once inside the tool, or from the API, there is the SELECT 2
command (again, to select the db to use). More can be allowed for - it's just a number in the redis.conf file.
The Sixpack A/B testing tool configuration has two methods to be able to choose which Redis database to use - in the configuration is the key (eg) redis_db: 15
, or it, and more can be set by environment variable: SIXPACK_CONFIG_REDIS_DB
, along with _PORT, _HOST, _PASSWORD & _PREFIX.