Search code examples

Using MongoDb Atlas full text search with multi-tenant collection ($searchBeta)

I have a MongoDb collection that holds data of thousands of tenants which are separated by a field holding the tenant ID.
I want to perform a query that includes full-text search & faceting on a specific tenant (see below).
Since the $searchBeta must be the first phase in the aggregation pipeline, it means it will return a huge list of documents from all tenants just to filter them out on $match phase instead of using an index.
Is there a more efficient way to perform such a query?
Running it with $searchBeta takes 14 seconds while removing it reduces query time to 6ms (while faceting works on more documents since it includes all tenant's data).
* Using Doug's answer bellow reduce it to ~70-120ms.
* Time measurement was done on Atlas free tier so it doesn't mean too much

db.tenantData.aggregate( [
    $searchBeta: {
        "search": {
        "query": "test",
        "path": ["name","comment"],
    $match: {tenant:"tenant1"},
    $facet: {
        "AssetTypeFacet": [
          { $sortByCount: "$assetType" }
        "manufacturerFacet": [
          { $sortByCount: "$manufacturer" }


  • You could combine the query into a compound like so:

        $searchBeta: {
          compound: {
            should: {
              search: { query: "test", path: ["name", "comment"] },
            filter: {
              search: { query: "tenant1", path: "tenant" },
        $facet: {
          AssetTypeFacet: [{ $sortByCount: "$assetType" }],
          manufacturerFacet: [{ $sortByCount: "$manufacturer" }],

    This will eliminate the IO associated with $match. There is currently no way to do faceting directly in $searchBeta other than the way you've done it.