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Editing the footer in GitHub pages jekyll's default minima theme

I've followed this tutorial and the following ones to create a Github Pages website with Jekyll. Now I have the minima theme, but it seems to be a different version from the official repo, as the parameters in the repo's _config.yml don't work on mine (e.g. for the Twitter link I have a twitter_username parameter while the repo's twitter under social_links doesn't work).

What is weird is that in the footer I have the title parameter repeated twice, as it renders in both the footer-heading and p-name elements in the index.html. Is there any way to change what is rendered to those elements in the html?


  • When github advise you to copy master files to override minima gem's files "hidden files deep inside somewhere on you file system" by copying master files, they commit a mistake because breaking changes can append.

    The best way to override files on a jekyll theme (for now) is to copy gem's file to your working folder.

    cd /you/working/jekyll
    cp -R `echo "$(bundle info minima --path)/_*/"` .
    cp -R "$(bundle info minima --path)/assets/" .

    You then have everything needed to override minima in your working folder (_includes, _layouts, _sass and assets folders).

    If you have a github page, you just have to commit and push to you publication branch.