I experience that when 'gtest' is installed by 'conan', my 'gmock_main' somehow replaces my 'main'.
I am step-by-step adding more libraries to my program, using more and more lines to conanfile.txt, clear the generated files in subdirectory build, and run "cmake..; cmake --build .". After this I run the built binary.
My conanfile.txt is
Until I add the line
everything looks file, my binary starts and makes what I want. After installing gtest, the reply from MY OWN, NON-GTEST-RELATED program changes from
SystemC 2.3.3-Accellera --- Jun 15 2019 21:14:08
Copyright (c) 1996-2018 by all Contributors,
Correct usage:
Running main() from gmock_main.cc
[==========] Running 0 tests from 0 test cases.
[==========] 0 tests from 0 test cases ran. (0 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 0 tests.
If I remove the line and remove gtest from conan database, rebuild my binary, it works fine again. I have no idea, what can cause such a strange error? Where to find the reason? Could be an accidental name clatching?
I guessed that the problem is somehow caused by gtest. So I made the followings: I saved the value of ${CONAN_LIBS} without and with having the line
active in my conanfile.txt
as well as with gtest:
For better visibility, I separated the second line, really containing the names of libraries installed with the suspected line. After that, I edited the respective CMakeLists.txt (I removed the actual ${CONAN_LIBS} and replaced it with the former value, before asking conan to install gtest.)
And, my app works as expected. What is going on here? How can gmock_main.cc replace my own .cc? (actually, a int sc_main(int argc,char *argv[]) but probably is makes no difference) Or better: how can I avoid it?
I understand that 'main' call in a library can replace my own 'main'. Why is a main function in the library and how can I avoid it (I mean a way other than making this manual editing).
SECOND EDIT: I also noticed that if I leave the
${CONAN_LIBS} in the test branch, gmock_maind; take over the control: already it puts my tests into its own main program, as I am using a System C based main program (i.e. int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) ), it is not really good for me. Finally, I edited again the list of conan install libs and removed
and now finally my apps make what I expect.
It is not quite the easiness I expected for the change.
As far as I know, since 1.8.0 gmock
and gtest
come in one package. I do not need gmock
but it is OK. But what is the reason of adding gmock_maind
, that kils all subprojects, except the ones which were for havin genter code here a gmock main test file, nothing else.
Is there some option to get rid off this gmock_maind
, or whihc is the newest gtest
that does not comprise gmock
I suppose it is caused by the standard option behavior of the gtest package. These are the default options of gtest 1.10:
default_options = {"shared": False, "build_gmock": True, "fPIC": True, "no_main": False,"debug_postfix": 'd', "hide_symbols": False}
As you can see, no_main is false - this is the reason why when you link against gtest you also get the main from gtest delivered, which hides your own main.
It should be enough to set
default_options = {"gtest:no_main":True}
if you use a conanfile.py or call conan like
conan install . -o gtest:no_main=True
if you prefer to not modify your conanfile at all.
I suggest to use the new conan-center https://conan.io/center/gtest/1.10.0/?user=&channel=&revision=&os=&tab=recipe since it is the newest and best maintained site for conan packages.
To learn more about setting conan options take a look here: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/reference/conanfile/attributes.html#options
Edit: In your specific case the reason why the linker picks gmocks main and not yours, instead of complaining about multiple defined symbols is that you use systemcs's sc_main - main, which is actually not the correct name for the entrypoint (the name needs always to be "main") but inside systemsc there is a main function that calls your sc_main as if it would be the actual entrypoint. I assume that there is also a preprocessor mechanism in systemsc that prevents linker errors when another standard main function is defined somewhere else. Read more about here: https://forums.accellera.org/topic/5932-how-exactly-sc_main-works/