Search code examples

Find the cycle time of a ticket number for different intervals

TicketNo    ActionDate                  OldStatus    NewStatus      CycleTime/Sec  
1001        2014-02-14 10:17:05.000     Assigned     InProgress     -
1001        2014-03-05 02:03:44.000     InProgress   Reply          1611999
1001        2014-03-11 10:00:14.000     Reply        Resolved       546990
1002        2015-03-20 04:44:14.000     InProgress   Reply          -
1002        2015-03-21 05:40:02.000     Reply        Resolved       89748

I have to calculate cycle time for every change in status of the ticket.

In the example above, i am trying to calculate the seconds from action date when the ticket is routed from old status to new status.

I tried using ranking function but did not get the output in wanted.

select * ,row_number() over (partition by a.ticketno, a.oldstatus order by a. actiondate ) rn

from Ticketing a

I would really appreciate if anyone can suggest some ideas how to solve this calculation.


  • The easiest way to do this is using LAG. You can read more about the LAG function here.

    Here is a fully functioning example.

    declare @Something table
        TicketNo int
        , ActionDate datetime
        , OldStatus varchar(50)
        , NewStatus varchar(50)
    insert @Something values
    (1001, '2014-02-14 10:17:05.000', 'Assigned', 'InProgress')
    , (1001, '2014-03-05 02:03:44.000', 'InProgress', 'Reply')
    , (1001, '2014-03-11 10:00:14.000', 'Reply', 'Resolved')
    , (1002, '2015-03-20 04:44:14.000', 'InProgress', 'Reply')
    , (1002, '2015-03-21 05:40:02.000', 'Reply', 'Resolved')
    select s.*
        , CycleTimeSeconds = datediff(second, lag(ActionDate, 1) over(partition by TicketNo order by ActionDate), s.ActionDate)
    from @Something s


    Here is a version that will work with Sql Server 2008 (You really should consider upgrading since that version is no longer supported).

    select s.*
        , CycleTimeSeconds = datediff(second, MyLag.ActionDate, s.ActionDate)
    from @Something s
    outer apply 
        select top 1 ActionDate 
        from @Something s2 
        where s2.TicketNo = s.TicketNo 
            and s2.ActionDate < s.ActionDate 
        order by ActionDate desc
    ) MyLag