TicketNo ActionDate OldStatus NewStatus CycleTime/Sec
1001 2014-02-14 10:17:05.000 Assigned InProgress -
1001 2014-03-05 02:03:44.000 InProgress Reply 1611999
1001 2014-03-11 10:00:14.000 Reply Resolved 546990
1002 2015-03-20 04:44:14.000 InProgress Reply -
1002 2015-03-21 05:40:02.000 Reply Resolved 89748
I have to calculate cycle time for every change in status of the ticket.
In the example above, i am trying to calculate the seconds from action date when the ticket is routed from old status to new status.
I tried using ranking function but did not get the output in wanted.
select * ,row_number() over (partition by a.ticketno, a.oldstatus order by a. actiondate ) rn
from Ticketing a
I would really appreciate if anyone can suggest some ideas how to solve this calculation.
The easiest way to do this is using LAG. You can read more about the LAG function here. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/lag-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
Here is a fully functioning example.
declare @Something table
TicketNo int
, ActionDate datetime
, OldStatus varchar(50)
, NewStatus varchar(50)
insert @Something values
(1001, '2014-02-14 10:17:05.000', 'Assigned', 'InProgress')
, (1001, '2014-03-05 02:03:44.000', 'InProgress', 'Reply')
, (1001, '2014-03-11 10:00:14.000', 'Reply', 'Resolved')
, (1002, '2015-03-20 04:44:14.000', 'InProgress', 'Reply')
, (1002, '2015-03-21 05:40:02.000', 'Reply', 'Resolved')
select s.*
, CycleTimeSeconds = datediff(second, lag(ActionDate, 1) over(partition by TicketNo order by ActionDate), s.ActionDate)
from @Something s
Here is a version that will work with Sql Server 2008 (You really should consider upgrading since that version is no longer supported).
select s.*
, CycleTimeSeconds = datediff(second, MyLag.ActionDate, s.ActionDate)
from @Something s
outer apply
select top 1 ActionDate
from @Something s2
where s2.TicketNo = s.TicketNo
and s2.ActionDate < s.ActionDate
order by ActionDate desc
) MyLag