I have a function where I check if a string is found in a variant:
Function checkIfValueIsInVariant (tempVariant As Variant, tempValue As String) As Boolean
Dim valueFound As Boolean
'zet standaard waarde op niet gevonden
valueFound = False
Print "Value : " + tempValue
If Not IsNull( ArrayGetIndex(tempVariant, tempValue) ) Then
'waarde is gevonden in variant dus zet op true
valueFound = true
End If
checkIfValueIsInVariant = valueFound
End Function
When I go through the code with the debugger then I can see these values:
tempVariant = "value" type = Variant
tempValue = "value" type = String
But when it is executing this line:
`If Not IsNull( ArrayGetIndex(tempVariant, tempValue) )` Then
I get Type mismatch, What am I doing wrong?
Variant is a very bad data type in LotusScript: it can contain anything. ArrayGetIndex expects the first parameter to be An array or Variant containing an array.
. In your example tempvariant is a Variant of type string and NOT an array --> Type mismatch.
If I don't know, if I get a scalar or an array in before then usually I write something like that in my code:
Dim varArray as Variant
Dim arrOneElement(0) as Variant
If not IsArray( tempVariant ) then
arrOneElement(0) = tempVariant
varArray = arrOneElement
varArray = tempVariant
End If
If Not IsNull( ArrayGetIndex(varArray, tempValue) ) Then
That way I can put in there (almost) whatever I want and it will return the correct result.