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Forcibly stop the execution of the function in the cfc component

Does anyone know how I can forcibly stop a function execution in the cfc component if it works for more than a certain time? Either it may be piece of code, not a whole function, i.e. if it has completed in 5 seconds, I take some actions, otherwise others.


  • The only way to stop an arbitrary piece of code is to run it in a separate thread and then terminating after a set amount of time. This can be done by calling out to a separate page with a request timeout set or using cfthread.

    For example with thread... (Note.... as Alex pointed out you can use timeout on cfthread)

    <cfthread action="run" name="runForLimitedTime">
        ... code, call to function, etc ...
    <cfset sleep(5000) />
    <cfif cfthread.runForLimitedTime.status eq "COMPLETED">
        <cfthread action="join" />
        <cfthread action="terminate" name="runForLimitedTime" />

    Alternatively with a separate page...

    <!--- calling page --->
    <cfset error = false />
        <cfhttp url="pageSetupForSpecificCall.cfm?timeout=5" throwonerror="true" />
            <cfset error = true />
    <cfif error>
        something else
    <!--- pageSetupForSpecificCall.cfm --->
    <cfsetting requesttimeout="#url.timeout#" /> things...