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Jenkins not found error while using SAP Project Piper Library

I am setting up a CI/CD pipeline scenario for SCP NEO environment based on the prebuilt pipeline on Project Piper. I tried to execute a pre-built library called Project Piper for Jenkins and I got the following error. The error seems is not found. But I downloaded neo SDK and placed it in the neo-sdk folder. Also is available inside /opt/sap/neo-sdk/neo-java-web-sdk-3.39.10/tools folder in linux.

Please see error in Jenkins

enter image description here

Please see .pipeline/config file where that location is referenced

    buildTarget: 'NEO' 
    mtaJarLocation: '/opt/sap/mta.jar' 
    neoHome: '/opt/sap/neo-sdk/'
      credentialsId: 'NEO DEPLOY'
      host: ''

Docker is not used and I set-up Jenkins in ubuntu inside Vmware virtual machine. If the docker is not available, the library is capable of running locally in Jenkins server.

I am keeping neo-sdk tool in a local folder which contain which is used to deploy application to SAP Cloud Platform. I am not writing any script my own as everything is prebuilt scripts from Project piper.


  • Issue is solved and thanks both of you for the same. I used envInjecter Plugin in Jenkins. Then go to manage jenkins->Configure->Set environment variables and set path as in enter image description here

    For more detail see the comment from XP84 in this StackOverflow link