i want to populate a flowlayoutpanel with many images (~400pc., 500x500px). I loop through a string list with the filenames and add this pics to the flp. But above ~200 images the panel doesn't show more images.
I think it's a perfomance problem and i want to ask, wether it is possible to load the images "on demand"?
Like scrolling through the panel and only load the "visible" image?
For panel filling i use this:
public void PanelFill(List<string> filenames)
int temp = 0;
foreach (string filename in filenames)
PictureBox pic = new PictureBox
ClientSize = new Size(int_thumbWidth, int_thumbHeight),
//Image = new Bitmap(filename),
Tag = filename,
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
if ((pic.Image.Width > int_thumbWidth) ||
(pic.Image.Height > int_thumbHeight))
pic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
pic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
flowLayoutPanel_esww_bildvergleich.Invoke(new Action(() => { pic.Parent = flowLayoutPanel_esww_bildvergleich; }));
pic.Click += PictureBox_Click;
pic.DoubleClick += PictureBox_DoubleClick;
pic.MouseUp += PictureBox_MouseUp;
catch (OutOfMemoryException)
MessageBox.Show("Es wurden zu viele Fotos gefunden. Der Arbeitsspeicher ist nicht ausreichend. Bitte passen Sie Ihre Filter an.", "Fehler", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (Exception ex)
Fehlerbehandlung.Fehler(-1, ex.Message);
A workaround for me is to add a Scroll/MouseEnter- Eventhandler for catching the scrolling through the panel. In the handler i use .PerformLayout()
this.flowLayoutPanel_esww_bildvergleich.MouseEnter += new System.EventHandler(this.flowLayoutPanel_esww_bildvergleich_MouseEnter);
private void flowLayoutPanel_esww_bildvergleich_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)