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React-Redux useSelector typescript type for state

I'm using the useSelector(state => state.SLICE_NAME) hook from React-Redux however I'm having difficulty defining the state parameter. It is set by default as unknown so I get an error when I try to return state.SLICE_NAME (Error: Object is of type 'unknown').

How do I define the state type without having to manually create a separate state type and adding in every new state definition as they're created?

I've tried defining state as typeof store however that doesn't work.

Some code to help explain:

// navDrawer.ts

import { createSlice } from "redux-starter-kit";

// navDrawer initial state
export interface NavDrawerInitialState {
  open: boolean;

const navDrawerInitialState: NavDrawerInitialState = {
  open: false

// Create state slice
const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
  slice: "navDrawer",
  initialState: navDrawerInitialState,
  reducers: {
    open: (state: NavDrawerInitialState) => { = true;
    close: (state: NavDrawerInitialState) => { = false;

export const navDrawerActions = actions;
export default reducer;
// reducers.ts

import navDrawer from "./navDrawer";

const reducers = {

export default reducers;
// store.ts

import { configureStore } from "redux-starter-kit";
import reducer from "./reducers";

const store = configureStore({

export default store;
// Page.tsx

import React, { FC } from "react";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import store from "./store";
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent";

const StateProvider: FC = () => {
  return <Provider store={store}><ChildComponent /></Provider>;

export default StateProvider;
// ChildComponent.tsx

import React, { FC } from "react";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";

const ChildComponent: FC = () => {
  const navDrawerState = useSelector(state => state.navDrawer); // ERROR OCCURS HERE. "state" is defined as 'unknown' so "state.navDrawer" throws an error.
  return <div>Text</div>

Edit: I noticed that the type definition for configureStore() contains the state as the first generic type. See screenshot below. If I can get the first generic value from EnhancedStore then I'll be able to use that to define state. Is there any way I can do this in Typescript?

enter image description here


  • This might not be the answer but I use it like so:

    const isLoggedIn = useSelector<IRootState, boolean>(state => state.user.loggedIn);

    EDIT: Or use Peter's answer which is shorter/cleaner

    const isLoggedIn = useSelector((state: IRootState) => state.user.loggedIn);

    FYI: To get the IRootState, there are a couple of options (from the docs):

    From combineReducers():

    import { combineReducers } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
    const rootReducer = combineReducers({})
    export type IRootState = ReturnType<typeof rootReducer>

    From configureStore():

    import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
    const store = configureStore({ ... })
    export type IRootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>