I have this function in Flask where I do a search on spotify:
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET','POST'])
def search():
data = sp.search(request.form['code'])
api_url = data['tracks']['href']
items = data['tracks']['items']
for item in items:
artist = sp.artist(item['artists'][0]['uri'])
image_url = artist['images'][2]['url']
html = render_template('search.html',
return html
This is the Jinja template in my html page:
{% for artist in results %}
<img src="{{image_url}}" alt="{{image_url}}" class="bobby img-thumbnail img-circle">
<a href="{{ url_for('artist', id=artist.id) }}">
{{ artist.name }}
{{ artist.artists.0.name }}
{% endfor %}
I correctly recieve the artist and song. But I have a problem with the part where I try to recieve the picture for every artist:
for item in items:
artist = sp.artist(item['artists'][0]['uri'])
image_url = artist['images'][2]['url']
I get the same picture for all the artists. Should that for loop with the spotipy module be inside the Jinja template? And how can I do that?
Update search function first:
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET','POST'])
def search():
data = sp.search(request.form['code'])
api_url = data['tracks']['href']
items = data['tracks']['items']
for item in items:
artist = sp.artist(item['artists'][0]['uri'])
item['image_url'] = artist['images'][2]['url'] # <-- change this line
html = render_template('search.html',
return html
Then you need to update your template
<img src="{{artist.image_url}}" alt="{{artist.image_url}}" class="bobby img-thumbnail img-circle">