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Azure multistage pipelines: conditionally skip one stage but not the next

I have an Azure multi-stage CI/CD pipeline. It has stages for Test and UAT deployment.

I want the UAT release to run if Test succeeds or is skipped, but not if it fails.

I can't. Whatever I try, if Test is skipped, UAT is also skipped. Unless I use always(), but then UAT will run even if Test fails.

  - stage: Test
    condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['build.sourceBranchName'], 'DoUAT')) # Skip for UAT deployment tests

  - stage: UAT
    condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['build.sourceBranchName'], 'master', 'DoUAT')) # Only deploy off master branch and branch to test UAT deploys.

How do I skip one stage but not the next one?

What I get vs what I want


  • You can use not(failed('Test')) condition, please try below condition.

    - stage: UAT
        condition: and(not(failed('Test')), in(variables['build.sourceBranchName'], 'master', DoUAT')) # Only deploy off master branch and branch to test UAT deploys.

    I tested and it worked, check below screenshot.

    enter image description here