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Make a square with letters

I have this:


Put o on everything except the middle so it turns into this:

o   o
o   o
o   o

Is there anyway I can do that in Javascript? My code currently is: HTML:

<input type = 'text' id = 'box' placeholder = 'Enter n'  onkeyup = 'bigbox();'/>

        <div id="output"></div>


 function bigbox() { 

            number = document.getElementById('box').value;
            display = document.getElementById("output");

        for(let j = 0; j<number; j++) {
            for(let i = 0; i<number; i++) 
            text += "o";
            text += "<br>";


        display.innerHTML = text;


  • You could add if one of the indices is zero or plus one equal to the wanted site of the square, then take a border character or space.

    Basically this line

    text += i === 0 || i + 1 === size || j === 0 || j + 1 === size ? "o": " ";

    contains three parts:

    1. An addition assignment +=, which takes an expression and adds it to the left hand side variable.

      text += someExpression
    2. A conditional (ternary) operator ?: which takes an expression and checks if this is truthy (like any number except zero or NaN, any non empty string, an object or array, true) or falsy (like zero/NaN, '', null, undefined, false).

      If truthy, it take the value after the ? and if falsy the value after :.

      It is a kind of short form of an if statement with getting an expression.

      expression ? alternative1 : alternative2 // code
      truthy   ->  alternative1                // result
      falsy    ->                 alternative2
    3. A condition part. The conditions are a connected with logical OR ||, this returns the first truthy value, or the last falsy one.

      condition1 || condition2 || condition3 || ...

      The conditions check the indices and if zero or the greatest valid value, then you hit a border, otherwise you are inside of the square.

    function bigbox(size) {
        var display = document.getElementById("output"),
            text = "";
        size = +size;
        for (let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                text += i === 0 || i + 1 === size || j === 0 || j + 1 === size ? "o": " ";
            text += "<br>";
        display.innerHTML = text;
    <input type="text" id="box" onchange="bigbox(this.value)">
    <pre id="output"></pre>