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Matlab coder: "All inputs must be constant"

I'm using Matlab Coder to convert this code to C++:

fs = 50;
[b,a] = butter(3,0.5/(fs/2),'high');
% Other code using fs

Then, I get this error: "All inputs must be constant".

If I do: [b,a] = butter(3,0.5/(50/2),'high');, it works.

I found this post: Constants and Matlab Coder

So I tried:

fs = 50;
[b,a] = coder.const(@butter,3,0.5/(fs/2),'high');

But it still reports the same error. How can I fix this?


  • Define Class Properties with Constant Values

    In ConstInput.m

    classdef ConstInput
       properties (Constant)
          fs = 50;

    Then rename fs as ConstInput.fs. (Unfortunately, Shift+Enter does not work. Maybe this links helps about changing variable names.)