Search code examples

Combine object and delete a property

Supposed I have an array of objects structured like this

"err": [
        "chk" : true,
        "name": "test"
        "chk" :true
        "post": "test"

How can I re-structure it like this:

"err": [
        "post": "test"
        "name": "test"

I tried

arr.filter(obj => delete obj.chk);

It can successfully delete the chk property, but how can I combine the two objects?


  • You can spread them into Object.assign to create a new object, then remove the chk property from that object:

    const err = [
            "chk" : true,
            "name": "test"
            "chk" :true,
            "post": "test"
    const newObj = Object.assign({}, ...err);
    delete newObj.chk;

    Another method, without deleting, would be to destructure chk on the left-hand side, and use rest syntax:

    const err = [
            "chk" : true,
            "name": "test"
            "chk" :true,
            "post": "test"
    const { chk: _, ...newObj } = Object.assign({}, ...err);