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Heaviside (unit step) activation in TensorFlow

I need to implement a perceptron in TensorFlow, however, the heaviside (unit step) activation seems not available in TensorFlow. It is not in tf., not in tf.nn., not in tf.keras.activations.. I guess because TensorFlow is gradient-based library and heaviside activation has no gradient.

I wonder why this basic function is not there. Any work-around for this? to make a perceptron.


  • TensorFlow has no heaviside (unit step) activation function possibly because TF is gradient-based library and heaviside has no gradient. I had to implement my own heaviside using the decorator @tf.custom_gradient:

    #Heaviside (Unit Step) function with grad
    def heaviside(X):
      List = [];
      for I in range(BSIZE):
        Item = tf.cond(X[I]<0, lambda: tf.constant([0], tf.float32), 
                               lambda: tf.constant([1], tf.float32));  
      U = tf.stack(List);
      #Heaviside half-maximum formula
      #U = (tf.sign(X)+1)/2;
      #Div is differentiation intermediate value
      def grad(Div):
        return Div*1; #Heaviside has no gradient, use 1.
      return U,grad;