I don't find easily the difference between those AWS VPC options.
A Network Access Control List (Network ACL, or NACL) is a firewall for a subnet.
All traffic entering or exiting a subnet is checked against the NACL rules to determine whether the traffic is allowed in/out of the subnet.
Traffic between instances within the same subnet do not pass through a NACL because the traffic is not exiting the subnet.
NACL rules are executed in a defined order. The first rule that matches the traffic will determine whether the traffic is allowed or denied.
Typically, NACLs are left at their default value of permitting all traffic. You should never have a need to modify a NACL unless you have a specific need, such as:
A Route Table is used to direct traffic in/out of a subnet. It contains a number of CIDRs (IP address ranges) and where to direct the appropriate traffic.
For example:
) is usually:
It literally routes the traffic to the correct destination.
Want to know what makes a Public Subnet 'public'? It is the fact that the Route Table sends Internet-bound traffic to
Traffic is sent to the smallest CIDR range that matches the destination. So, traffic matching
would be directed before traffic matching