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rails 6 webpacker in production: rake assets:precompile fails

I have a typical rails 6.0.2 app set up on a production server and I'm using git hooks to deploy the app. When I try to run: rails assets:precompile I get the following error:

rake aborted!
Sprockets::ArgumentError: link_directory argument must be a directory

Here is the manifest.js file

//= link_tree ../images
//= link_directory ../stylesheets .css

I cant figure out what Im doing wrong. Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't webpacker replace sprockets?


  • In manifest.js, your error tells that in manifest.js line 2, link_directory argument must be a directory, and not a file. It should probably look like this

    //= link_directory ../stylesheets .css

    If you notice there is gap between stylesheets and .css, it means that link all the css files from stylesheets directory, there must be some formatting problem in your code. Fix it and it should work!