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Deleting a commit interactively in git rebase that was selected for editing

I prepare a repo for publication and need to fully remove certain internal information from its history. This data can be in various files which I have to check/prune manually. Note that not the whole file should be deleted, just certain content.

When I do git rebase -i --root I can mark all commits that (a) potentially need modification as edit and those that (b) need to go completely as drop. (Note: The list of commits to review is not too long and was optained by using git log --stat | grep 'commit\|name1\|name2\|...'.) While screening the commits of type (a) I might find one that actually needs to be dropped completely. For this I tried rebase --skip but, to my surprise, that still leaves the commit in place.

How can I remove a commit during git rebase which I selected to edit initially?


$ git init
$ for COM in A B C; do touch $COM; git add  $COM; git commit -m "add $COM"; done
$ git rebase -i --root
<mark all as 'edit'>

<modify file and change commit>
$ echo A > A; git add A; git rebase --continue

<commit needs to go away>
$ git rebase --skip

<modify file and change commit>
$ echo C > C; git add C; git rebase --continue

File B still exists after this.


  • Instead of git rebase --skip, use

    git reset --hard HEAD^
    git rebase --continue

    The git reset will remove the commit.
    git rebase --skip doesn't remove the commit that's already been applied at that point.