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Java Test for Spring ExceptionalHandler

I have a springboot project with controllers and servies. And a GlobalExceptionHandler like -

public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
  public ResponseEntity<Object> handle(DataIntegrityViolationException e, WebRequest request) {

     String requestPath = ((ServletWebRequest)request).getRequest().getRequestURI();

    // I am using this requestPath in my output from springboot


Can someone please tell me how to write mock this in my unit test class ((ServletWebRequest)request).getRequest().getRequestURI()


  • Unfortunately there is no support for subbing final methods in Mockito. You can use a other mocking framework like PowerMock.

    I prefer in this cases to eliminate the need of mocking with an protected method:

    public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
        public ResponseEntity<Object> handle(final DataIntegrityViolationException e, final WebRequest request) {
            final String requestPath = getRequestUri(request);
            return ResponseEntity.ok().body(requestPath);
        protected String getRequestUri(final WebRequest request) {
            return ((ServletWebRequest) request).getRequest().getRequestURI();

    And anonymous class in test:

    public class GlobalExceptionHandlerTests {
        private final GlobalExceptionHandler handler = new GlobalExceptionHandler() {
            protected String getRequestUri(final org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest request) {
                return "";
        void test() throws Exception {
            final ResponseEntity<Object> handled = handler.handle(new DataIntegrityViolationException(""),
            assertEquals("", handled.getBody());