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How do you modify liveness and readiness probe parameters?

I am running Red Hat OCP on a cluster with 5 worker nodes. A lot of my pods will timeout and crash because they fail liveness and readiness probes. I see everywhere people talking about changing the parameters (e.g. timeoutSeconds, periodSeconds, initialDelaySeconds) but I am not able to modify these values in either the OCP console or the terminal. How do I modify these values?


  • Turns out you can't edit the liveness and readiness parameters of the pod (at least while it's running), which is most likely a defense mechanism against crashing services. What you have to do is edit the deployment or replica set that deployed the pod.

    oc edit deploy <my_deployment>

    One of two things will occur:
    1. The pod will restart automatically
    2. You manually delete the pod and it will reinitialize with the new configuration

    Reference here: