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Docker: Cannot delete intermediate images from a broken pull

There is a broken image which blocks further pulls. And I cannot remove or delete it

What I did:

- stopped all containers ("docker ps -a" shows empty list)
- cleaned everything with "docker system prune -a")
- "docker image ls -a" shows an empty list

When I pull something based on PHP7.3 I get this error:

$ sudo docker pull wordpress
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/wordpress
bc51dd8edc1b: Already exists 
a3224e2c3a89: Already exists 
be7a066df88f: Already exists 
bfdf741d72a9: Already exists 
a9e612a5f04c: Already exists 
c026d8d0e8cb: Already exists 
d94096c4941c: Already exists 
5a16031a7587: Already exists 
0cf1daf9efc0: Already exists 
b202acb13a6c: Already exists 
907001e30880: Already exists 
2e4b329c80b2: Already exists 
cd1ec92e7164: Already exists 
8cba435f5ca6: Already exists 
42d9ff86311d: Extracting [==================================================>]   16.7MB/16.7MB
4907cef4e3ab: Download complete 
d9efb2f24248: Download complete 
8301b0ae2103: Download complete 
a9e295ae3552: Download complete 
cd1a22f91cdc: Download complete 
f81677d558c1: Download complete 
failed to register layer: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/081694acd847bf622c20fa32b7cebad1ca46d4848cd49c336812fc03d60457c5/merged: too many levels of symbolic links

I am wondering about "already exists": How to delete them?? (I already tried prune -a ; see above)

I wish I could delete ALL(100%) images -> so I could start with fresh downloads.

(Background: the hardware had a memory bug. Perhaps that is the reason for having this error now. The hardware and disks are OK now.)


  • try to :

    • Stop docker service

    • Remove /var/lib/docker

    • Start docker service