My main code needs to compare an integer ASCII command and I wonder if there is a solution to optimize this.
I can send from '1' to '128' on the serial bus, and to reach the proper object, here is how I do:
// this is how I deal with the data sent on the serial bus
int translateASCII(char requestBuffer[10]){
char word[4] = {0};
word[0] = (int)requestBuffer[0];
word[1] = (int)requestBuffer[1];
word[2] = (int)requestBuffer[2];
int n = atoi(word);
return n;
void interpreteASCII(int ascii){
if (ascii > 0 && ascii < 33){
if (ascii < 9){
else if (ascii < 17){
else if (ascii < 25){
else if (ascii < 65){
if (ascii < 41){
else if { ... }
So I'm looking for a way to optimize this 'architecture'. Also thought about a switch case function but it seems to only compare my ASCII variable to a single integer like:
switch (ascii){
case '8':
and this is not what I'm looking for because the instructions really depend on the ASCII variable which is sorted by intervals of 32 which themselves must be sorted by intervals of 8 values.
You say you need one case for each interval of 8, e.g. 1-8, 9-16 etc. Try this:
switch ((ascii + 7)/ 8) {
case 0: // input was zero
case 1: // input was in [1..8]
// ...
case 8: // input was in [57..64]