I am trying to write a little script to compute an integer sequence. The function I'm trying to write in code is the one int the blackboard, a(n). The problem is that I was expecting the function h(n) I defined in the script to give a number as a result, but it is giving something else: for h(2) it gives ArgMax[{p, HarmonicNumber[p] <= 1}, p, Integers]
How can I correct that? (You have to understand that I am by no means a programmer, nor know much about mathematica. Thanks in advnace.
The script I wrote is this one:
h[n_] := (ArgMax[{p,
Sum[1/s, {s, 1 + Sum[h[k], {k, 1, (n - 1)}], p}] <= 1}, p,
Integers]) - Sum[h[k], {k, 1, (n - 1)}]; h[1] = 1;
a(n)=(maximum p such that the sum from s equals r to p is less or equal than one)-r+1, where r=1+the sum from k=1 to (n-1) of a(k), and a(1)=1
PD: Those letters that look like v's are r's. Sorry.
a[1] = 1;
a[n_] := Module[{sum = 0},
r = 1 + Sum[a[k], {k, n - 1}];
x = r;
While[sum <= 1, sum += 1/x++];
p = x - 2;
p - r + 1]
Table[a[n], {n, 6}]
{1, 2, 6, 16, 43, 117}
The result for a[4]
is 16 not 14.
To illustrate, when n = 4
r = 1 + Sum[a[k], {k, 4 - 1}]
= 1 + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] (* refer to established results for a[n] *)
= 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 = 10
sum = 0;
x = r;
While[sum <= 1, sum += 1/x++];
p = x - 2;
p - r + 1
Or in another form
Total[Table[1/s, {s, 10, 25}]] <= 1 (* True *)
p - r + 1 = 25 - 10 + 1 = 16
Using memoisation, as mentioned by ogerard
a[1] = 1;
a[n_] := a[n] = Module[{sum = 0},
r = 1 + Sum[a[k], {k, n - 1}];
x = r;
While[sum <= 1, sum += 1/x++];
p = x - 2;
p - r + 1]
only reduces the following run time by 9 seconds
Timing[Table[a[n], {n, 14}]]
{40.8906, {1, 2, 6, 16, 43, 117, 318, 865, 2351, 6391, 17372, 47222, 128363, 348927}}