I struggle with Keycloak integration on Karaf (4.2.8) and Fuse (7.5.0). I tried integration separately on both of them and no success.
In first case, I install Fuse (7.5.0) and next I add keycloak osgi features:
feature:repo-add mvn:org.keycloak/keycloak-osgi-features/8.0.1/xml/features
feature:install keycloak-jaas
Next, I add keycloak-direct-access.json file to etc with appropriate content. To check the keycloak integration for ssh, I change the org.apache.karaf.shell and set realm to keycloak. But afterwards, I am not able to connect via client.bat using keycloak credentials. it asks for the password (even if I provide the password in the command) and after 2-3 attempts it gives the following error:
No more authentication methods available
Besides of that, when I try to use jaas:realm-manage command to get keycloak user list, if does not work and gives the following error:
Can't get the list of users (no backing engine service found)
In the second case, I install Apache Karaf (4.2.8) and the almost the same steps as above. But there it also fails.
Additionally, I check the following documentation https://github.com/jboss-fuse/karaf-quickstarts/blob/7.x.redhat-7-x/security/keycloak/fuse-keycloak.adoc . Considering that documentation I do all steps right, but for some reason it fails.
For fuse installation, I checked the logs when I tried to connect via client, and I saw the following warning there
2020-02-13 10:06:45,808 | WARN | 56c97]-nio2-thread-1 | o.a.s.s.s.ServerSessionImpl | 185 - org.apache.sshd.core - 1.7.0 | exceptionCaught(ServerSessionImpl[null@/])[state=Opened] IOException: The specified network name is no longer available.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance,
BR, Farid
For Fuse 7, the official quickstarts showing how to integrate Pax Web (the web layer in Fuse Karaf, based on pax-http-undertow) with Keycloak (and RH-SSO) are available in this Github repository.
The quickstarts cover scenarios related to OSGi HTTP Service, Whiteboard Service, Camel and CXF.
Additional documentation shows how to configure Keycloak instance and Fuse-Karaf itself, so SSH, JMX and Hawtio connections work with Keycloak.