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Breaking cyclic references more elegant in C++

I have gotten many cyclic dependencies recently when my header files includes each other. See also here: What are forward declarations in C++?

I actually do not get totally why its a cycle. When the compiler looks inside the header-file of the include, why does it not recognize the class declaration?

Is there an more elegant/other way to break these cycles instead of a forward declaration of the other class? I do not like that there is a other class declaration in front of my current class. E.g.

#include "Wheel.h"  // Include Wheel's definition so it can be used in Car.
#include <vector>

class Wheel;

class Car
    std::vector<Wheel> wheels;


  • I hope I got your stuck point.

    To explain this, it is better to examine from the view of compiler.

    Compiler does for Car.h:

    • Replaces #include "Wheel.h" with its content.
    • Replaces #include <vector> with its content.

    At this step, translation unit for Car.h seems like this.

    class Car;
    class Wheel
        Car* car;
    // Vector implementation of the stl goes here
    class Car
        std::vector<Wheel> wheels;

    At this point, at Car* car; line, class Car declaration (declaration is enough for pointer types) is needed to define class Wheel that's why you need forward declaration because you should tell to compiler that there is a class Car and it will be defined soon.

    If you comment out class Car at line 1 compiler could not know whether there will be a class Car or not.

    As far as I know there are extra restrictions related with one definition rule, maybe someone else might explain that.

    It is not possible to have 'more elegant' way for now.