I need to create a nuget package package with stylecop.json and something.ruleset with referencing to stylecop analyzer. This package will be used across all the teams to standardize the rules for .net. I have read this:
But unfortunately I did not properly understand how to achieve this. I have stylecop.json and .ruleset file. I have done the following steps:
May I please know what need to be done now to create the nuget package including the stylecop.json and .ruleset file?
May I please know what need to be done now to create the nuget package including the stylecop.json and .ruleset file?
You should add some nodes about these files in the xxx.nuspec
and then use nuget.exe cli with xxxx.nuspec
file to pack your project.
Since you have generated the xxxx.nuspec
file, you should add these in nuspec file.
1) You should add these nodes into xxx.nuspec
file and with it, these files will be added into the new projects by nuget.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package >
<files include="any/any/stylecop.json "(the relativepath of the file under the ContentFiles folder in the xxx.nupkg) buildAction="None" copyToOutput="true" flatten="false" />
<files include="any/any/xxxx.Ruleset "(the relativepath of the file under the ContentFiles folder in the xxx.nupkg) buildAction="None" copyToOutput="true" flatten="false" />
<file src="stylecop.json(the relativePath of the file under the project)" target="contentFiles/any/any" />
<file src="xxxx.Ruleset(the relativePath of the file under the project)" target="contentFiles/any/any" />
<file src="stylecop.json(the relativePath of the file under the project)" target="content" />
<file src="xxxx.Ruleset(the relativePath of the file under the project)" target="content" />
2) Remember to use this function, you should use nuget.exe
and you should download it from the link and then set its path into PATH of system environment variable. For an example, the downlaod path is C:\nuget\nuget.exe
, you should set C:\nuget
in PATH and then yo can call nuget in CMD.
Besides, when you modify xxxx.nuspec
file just I said above, you should first cd the path of your project and check whether the xxxx.csporj
file exists under that path.
After that, you can use nuget pack
in CMD to pack your project and then you will obtain a xxx.nupkg
which is the nuget package.