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'error' procedure is undefined in plt-r5rs

I have this file named myprog.scm:

(error "Not found!")

Running the program using plt-r5rs myprog.scm gives an error:

error: undefined;
 cannot reference undefined identifier
   /usr/share/racket/pkgs/r5rs-lib/r5rs/run.rkt: [running body]

Apparently, plt-r5rs does not define the error procedure.

  • Why did the authors of plt-r5rs not define the error procedure?
  • How can I define or import an error procedure so that my program can run? Perhaps there's a way to import SRFI-23 Error reporting mechanism?


  • Why did the authors of plt-r5rs not define the error procedure?

    It appears that The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme does not define a procedure named error. The initial environment created by plt-r5rs contains only the values and syntactic forms defined in the report (except for a handful of implementation-specific forms listed in the docs, like #%require, which are not legal identifiers according to R5RS).

    How can I define or import an error procedure so that my program can run? Perhaps there's a way to import SRFI-23 Error reporting mechanism?

    As you probably know, R5RS also does not define a module system, so there is no portable way to import anything. For plt-r5rs specifically, this version of your program works:

    (#%require srfi/23)
    (error "Not found!")

    Of course, if you are relying on details of plt-r5rs already, I would suggest just using Racket, or at least R6RS.