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Guid.NewGuid() is returning duplicate values when used in a Parallel.For loop

I have an application that is hitting an API. As such, it does a query for all ID's in the object, and then has to query each item one at a time per ID. I'm doing this in a Parallel.For loop and adding each items data to a row in a datatable. Then I use sqlbulkcopy to send the datatable to a SQL server table.

If I do this without using Parallel.For, it works great. However, with Parallel.For, this line:

workrow["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

is generating duplicate Guids. It's doing it often and causing the data to not load into the SQL server table because the id row in SQL is a Primary Key and doesn't allow duplicates. I tried locking:

                    lock (lockobject)
                        workrow["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

This didn't help.
I tried not assigning an id to that field in hopes that SQL would generate it (it does have newid() on that field). That fails saying it can't insert a null. I can't seem to just remove the id field from the datatable because then the columns don't align when I do the sqlbulkcopy.

Can someone help me here? I either need to figure out how to get Guid.NewGuid() to STOP producing duplicates OR I need to figure out a way to not pass in the id (always the first field in the datatable) so that SQL will generate the id.

Here is the code I use to generate one of tables:

        public static DataTable MakeWorkflowTable()
            DataTable Workflow = new DataTable("Workflow");
            DataColumn id = new DataColumn("id", System.Type.GetType("System.Guid"));
            DataColumn OrgInfoID = new DataColumn("OrgInfoID", System.Type.GetType("System.Guid"));
            DataColumn Name = new DataColumn("Name", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn Active = new DataColumn("Active", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn Description = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn Object = new DataColumn("Object", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn Formula = new DataColumn("Formula", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn ManageableState = new DataColumn("ManageableState", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn NameSpacePrefix = new DataColumn("NameSpacePrefix", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn TDACount = new DataColumn("TDACount", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            DataColumn TriggerType = new DataColumn("TriggerType", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn CreatedDate = new DataColumn("CreatedDate", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
            DataColumn CreatedBy = new DataColumn("CreatedBy", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn LastModifiedDate = new DataColumn("LastModifiedDate", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
            DataColumn LastModifiedBy = new DataColumn("LastModifiedBy", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            return Workflow;

Here is the code I use to send it to the SQL server:

        public static void SendDTtoDB(ref DataTable dt, ref SqlConnection cnn, string TableName)
            using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(cnn))
                bulkCopy.DestinationTableName =
                catch (Exception e)
                    logger.Warn("SendDTtoDB {TableName}: ORGID: {ORGID} : {Message}", TableName, dt.Rows[0]["OrgInfoID"], e.Message.ToString());
                    if (e.Message.ToString().Contains("PRIMARY KEY"))
                        foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                            logger.Warn("ID: {id}", row["id"]);


As you can see in the catch statement, I set it to write out the ID's to the log so I could see them for myself and, sure enough, there is a duplicate there. So frustrating! I really don't want to take out the Parallel.For and single thread it if I don't have to.

Per request, here is the code with the Parallel.For

              if (qr.totalSize > 0)
                    object lockobject = new object();
                    Parallel.For(0, qr.records.Length, i =>
                        ToolingService.CustomTab1 vr = new ToolingService.CustomTab1();

                        vr = (ToolingService.CustomTab1)qr.records[i];
                        string mdSOQL = "Select FullName, description, ManageableState, MasterLabel, NamespacePrefix, Type, Url, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.Name, "
                            + "LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy.Name From CustomTab where id='" + vr.Id + "'";
                        ToolingService.QueryResult mdqr = new ToolingService.QueryResult();
                        ToolingService.CustomTab1 vrmd = new ToolingService.CustomTab1();
                        mdqr = ts.query(mdSOQL);
                        vrmd = (ToolingService.CustomTab1)mdqr.records[0];

                        DataRow workrow = CustomTabs.NewRow();
                        lock (lockobject)
                            workrow["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
                        workrow["OrgInfoID"] = _orgDBID;
                        workrow["FullName"] = vrmd.FullName;
                        workrow["Description"] = vrmd.Description ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        workrow["ManageableState"] = vrmd.ManageableState;
                        workrow["MasterLabel"] = vrmd.MasterLabel ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        workrow["NameSpacePrefix"] = vrmd.NamespacePrefix ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        workrow["Type"] = vrmd.Type ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        workrow["URL"] = vrmd.Url ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        workrow["CreatedDate"] = vrmd.CreatedDate ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        if (vrmd.CreatedBy == null)
                            workrow["CreatedBy"] = Convert.DBNull;
                            workrow["CreatedBy"] = vrmd.CreatedBy.Name;
                        workrow["LastModifiedDate"] = vrmd.LastModifiedDate ?? Convert.DBNull;
                        if (vrmd.LastModifiedBy == null)
                            workrow["LastModifiedBy"] = Convert.DBNull;
                            workrow["LastModifiedBy"] = vrmd.LastModifiedBy.Name;
                        lock (CustomTabs)

                    OrgTables.SendDTtoDB(ref CustomTabs, ref _cnn, "OrgCustomTabs");


  • The thing is that having to use a lock inside the Parallel.ForEach in a DataTable, sort of defeats the purpose of using the Parallel.ForEach in the first place; however, I am surprised that you don't get exceptions when you call DataRow workrow = CustomTabs.NewRow(); because on my test, I get an index corrupted exception. I had to actually wrap the call to NewRow inside a lock. Something like this:

    Parallel.ForEach(data, x =>
                    DataRow row = null;
                    lock (lockRow)
                        row = dt.NewRow();
                        row["Guid"] = Guid.NewGuid();

    Where lockObj and lockRow are 2 separate static objects instantiated as

    static  object lockObj = new  object();
    static  object lockRow = new object();

    And that worked for me, adding 1 million rows to the DataTable and making sure that all the Guids were unique.

    With all the above said, I would strongly recommend writing the code as suggested by Julian or create a class that implements IDataReader (which you can use with SQLBulkCopy) and upload the data using that.