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SSIS cannot access folder which everyone has access to

So we have a network address lets call it the Z drive that everyone has access to. By everyone I mean the entire organization. For completeness, I actually went ahead and gave access to the actual SQL Server Agent.

The package runs fine on dev, but always fails with

The directory "Z:\SSIS_Test" does not exist

At first, I thought it was an issue of access. But how can't the SQL Server Agent access an everyone drive?

Also, I went in and run the package on the server myself as the caller and it still failed with same error. What gives? Am I not getting something?


  • Possible solutions

    (1) Granting service accounts

    Try giving read/write permissions to the SQL Database Engine Service account NT SERVICE\MSSQL$<Instance Name> and NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT (Where <Instance Name> should be replaced by the installed instance name):

    I was facing the same issue, it looks like the "everyone" permission does not take into consideration service accounts (I am not sure). The issue was solved after granting the database engine and SQL agent service accounts. Also feel free to read more about SQL Server service account in the following documentation:

    (2) Mapping drive within SQL Server

    You can refer to the following article for more information:

    Or you can try to use the full UNC path instead of the mapped drive.

    If these solutions didn't worked, there are many other suggestions listed in the following answer, you can check it for more information: