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Why is persistent storage not working in my google action?

I am trying to store a UserId across sessions, following the reference found here:

Here is my implementation in code:

'use strict';

const { dialogflow } = require("actions-on-google");
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const app = dialogflow();

app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', (conv) => { = "bananas";
  console.log("Logging the conversation object... ");
  conv.close("Goodbye! ");

exports.yourAction = functions.https.onRequest(app);

When I invoke the action via my Google home hub, it will set my user storage data correctly:

    "user": {
    "raw": {
        "locale": "en-US",
        "lastSeen": "2020-02-12T14:28:49Z",
        "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
    "storage": {
        "userId": "bananas"
    "locale": "en-US",
    "verification": "VERIFIED",
    "permissions": [],
    "last": {
        "seen": "2020-02-12T14:28:49.000Z"
    "name": {},
    "entitlements": [],
    "access": {},
    "profile": {}

However, when i comment out the storage assignment in the code, and re-invoke the action, the contents of the user storage are no longer present:

"user": {
    "raw": {
        "locale": "en-US",
        "lastSeen": "2020-02-12T14:31:30Z",
        "userVerificationStatus": "VERIFIED"
    "storage": {},
    "locale": "en-US",
    "verification": "VERIFIED",
    "permissions": [],
    "last": {
        "seen": "2020-02-12T14:31:30.000Z"
    "name": {},
    "entitlements": [],
    "access": {},
    "profile": {}

I can see that my verification is "VERIFIED", so it can't be that issue. I notice in this docs that the userStorage will clear if:

  • Voice match is set up and there is no match.
  • The user disabled personal data.

So maybe it's one of these - however I'm not sure where I can check!


  • Fixed. I did not have my chrome history setting enabled! This thread goes into more detail: actions on google userStorage only during session