I'm trying to create a mongo dump for 1 single document inside a mongo collection.
When I do this on windows command line:
mongodump /host:x.x.x.x /port:27017 /username:my_user /password:my_pass -d my_db -o C:\fsdump -c "fs.files" -q '{_id: ObjectId("28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec")}'
I get this error:
positional arguments not allowed: [ObjectId(28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec)}']
when I change the id in mongo from ObjectId("28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec")
to "28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec"
, and when I dump like this:
mongodump /host:x.x.x.x /port:27017 /username:my_user /password:my_pass -d my_db -o C:\fsdump -c "fs.files" -q '{_id: "28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec"}'
then it works as expected
so my question is how can I use mongodump and do filtering on specific ObjectId's ?
or is there another way to create an export for a subset of documents in a collection (instead of the entire collection)?
is a javascript function call to the ObjectId constructor. This is not valid JSON. "28ad7bkjia3e927d690385ec"
is also not a valid ObjectId.
Mongodump uses an extended form of JSON, which had a tag to indicate the field type, so you would specify an ObjectId like this:
-q '{"_id":{"$oid":"5f76b7cc0311bd14f80a3dec"}}'