I'm using a script to find all paths in an Activity Diagram
. To do it, I use Modelio 4.0
I put the below script in a macro.
## return first initial node in the selected activity
def getInitialPoint(act):
for node in act.getOwnedNode():
if isinstance(node, InitialNode):
return node
## parcours activity nodes
def getPaths(currentPath, currentNode):
for outgoing in currentNode.getOutgoing():
node = outgoing.getTarget()
if isinstance(node, ActivityFinalNode):
elif isinstance(node, DecisionMergeNode):
getPaths(currentPath, node)
getPaths(currentPath + " - " + node.getName(), node)
init = getInitialPoint(elt)
currentPath = init.getName()
global paths
paths = []
getPaths(currentPath, init)
##Print founded paths
for p in paths:
print p
But when I launch the macro, I'm facing the below error:
AttributeError: 'org.modelio.metamodel.impl.diagrams.ActivityDiagra' object has no attribute 'getOwnedNode' in <script> at line number 20
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<script>", line 20, in <module>
File "<script>", line 3, in getInitialPoint
AttributeError: 'org.modelio.metamodel.impl.diagrams.ActivityDiagra' object has no attribute 'getOwnedNode'
Could you please help me to fix it please? Thank you.
In fact, elt is the selected Element. This script works if you launch it from an Activity Element and not a Activity Diagram.