select2 in my angular project. I want to display a select of an array of certificate requested from an api. For each element if I create and push a select2OptionData Object in an array, but when i want to display it in the Html page it is selected but without any option. When i create an array of object like the gitHub demo everything's right. Can you help me please.
Here is the ts
export class DashboardCvComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
certificateForm: FormGroup;
certificates: Array<Certificate>;
certificatesTypes: Array<Select2OptionData>;
exampleData: Array<Select2OptionData>;
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private certificatesService: CertificatesService,
private trainingsService: TrainingsService, private authService: AuthenticationService,
private datepipe: DateFormatPipe, private CvService: CVService, private fileUploaService: FileUploadService) {
this.certificatesTypes = [];
this.exampleData = [];
ngOnInit() {
// get certificate types
(response) => {
// console.log('-> CERTIFICATES TYPES LOADING successful : ', response);
/* this.certificatesTypes =; */ => {
const certif = {id:, text:};
this.exampleData = [{
id: 'basic1',
text: 'Basic 1'
id: 'basic2',
disabled: true,
text: 'Basic 2'
id: 'basic3',
text: 'Basic 3'
id: 'basic4',
text: 'Basic 4'
console.log('les certif', this.exampleData, this.certificatesTypes);
(error) => {
console.log('-> CERTIFICATES TYPES LOADING failed : ', error);
() => {
and the html
<div class="dashboard--degrees">
<app-certificate *ngFor="let certificate of certificates" [certificate]=certificate [url]=url></app-certificate>
<button class="button button--bluegreen" type="button" data-modal="modal-certificate">
<svg class="icon icon-plus-o">
<use xlink:href="#icon-plus-o"></use>
</svg> <span i18n="@@cvcomponent-addcertificate">J'ajoute un diplôme </span>
<select2 [data]="certificatesTypes"></select2>
<select2 [data]="exampleData"></select2>
Here the exampleData select display well but not the certificatesTypes
Don't use this.certificate.push inside for loop. it will not work. instead of you can use something like :
let arrCertificates = []; => {
const certif = {id:, text:};
this.certificatesTypes = arrCertificates;