I have a pipeline.yaml
that looks like this
vmImage: image
-stage: A
-job: a
- script: |
echo "This is stage build"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=doThing;isOutput=true]Yes"
name: BuildStageRun
-stage: B
-job: b
steps: #do something in steps
-job: c
dependsOn: a
condition: eq(dependencies.build.outputs['BuildStageRun.doThing'], 'Yes')
- script: echo "I am scripting"
So, there are 2 stages, A with one job a, and B with 2 jobs b and c. I would like to have job c executed only when job a has executed. I tried to do so by setting the variable doThing in job a to Yes and then check this variable in job c.
But I get an error:
Stage plan job c depends on unknown job a.
The varible definition and the definition of condition was taken from Azure documentation
Do you have any suggestion on how to get this working?
It's because you can't depend on a job from another stage, you can depend stage B on stage A or job c on job b.
You can't achieve your goal with YAML conditions because you want to use a variable that you declared it in the first stage, the second stage doesn't know this variable, Azure DevOps don't support it yet:
You cannot currently specify that a stage run based on the value of an output variable set in a previous stage.
You can depend stage B on A, so if in stage A there is only one job you depend stage B on stage A:
- stage: B
dependsOn: A