I have a value that cannot be computed at compile time. It needs to be computed before any of the app code runs, and then it will only be read throughout the lifetime of the app. It also needs to be passed around to executors such as tokio
and hyper
How can I create such a value safely, idiomatically and without unneeded performance losses?
and pass it to hyper
, it does not live long enough.lazy_static!
, it only gets computed when it's first accessed. If it can't be computed, then I don't want to run the rest of the application either. I'd rather know I can't connect to the database when I start the application, not when a client makes a request.static mut
, then I can't use it in safe code.Ideally, I'd like to do something like:
pub async fn main() {
let db = init_db();
// This uses a hyper server, passes db around
// to tokio and hyper handlers, etc.
You can leak the memory, so that the reference has a 'static
pub async fn main() {
let db = Box::leak(Box::new(init_db())) as &'static _;
// This uses a hyper server, passes db around
// to tokio and hyper handlers, etc.