I need to do a mean(target) encoding to all categorical columns in my dataset. To simplify this problem, Let's say there're 2 columns in my dataset, first column is the label column, the second column is a categorical column.
label | cate1
0 | abc
1 | abc
0 | def
0 | def
1 | ghi
So according to mean encoding strategy: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-you-should-try-mean-encoding-17057262cd0
the output should be like
label | cate1
0 | 0.5
1 | 0.5
0 | 0.0
0 | 0.0
1 | 1.0
I've tried Koalas to solve this problem, but failed. This is what I've tried:
for col_name in convert_cols:
cat_mean_dict = dict()
# get category name <-> count dictionary
cur_col_cate_count_ = ks_df[col_name].value_counts().to_dict()
# calculate all different categories positive result count and mean value
start_time = time.time()
for key in cur_col_cate_count_:
current_col_positive_count = ks_df.loc[(ks_df['0'] == 1) & (ks_df[col_name] == key)].shape[0]
key_mean = current_col_positive_count / cur_col_cate_count_[key]
cat_mean_dict[key] = key_mean
for i in range(ks_df.shape[0]):
cate_origin_hash = ks_df.at[i, col_name]
if cate_origin_hash in cat_mean_dict:
ks_df.at[i, col_name] = cat_mean_dict[cate_origin_hash]
ks_df.at[i, col_name] = -1
But Koalas doesn't allow cell-level update, meaning I can't modify the value by ks_df.at[i, col_name] = new_value
So I'm hoping there could be some pyspark solution to this problem.
Please find below a pyspark solution:
# spark inputs
spark_data = [Row(label=0, cate1='abc'),
Row(label=1, cate1='abc'),
Row(label=0, cate1='def'),
Row(label=0, cate1='def'),
Row(label=1, cate1='ghi')]
df = spark.createDataFrame(spark_data)
| abc| 0|
| abc| 1|
| def| 0|
| def| 0|
| ghi| 1|
# function
def target_mean_encoding(df, col, target):
:param df: pyspark.sql.dataframe
dataframe to apply target mean encoding
:param col: str list
list of columns to apply target encoding
:param target: str
target column
dataframe with target encoded columns
target_encoded_columns_list = []
for c in col:
means = df.groupby(F.col(c)).agg(F.mean(target).alias(f"{c}_mean_encoding"))
dict_ = means.toPandas().to_dict()
target_encoded_columns = [F.when(F.col(c) == v, encoder)
for v, encoder in zip(dict_[c].values(),
return df.select(target, *target_encoded_columns_list)
# function apply on spark inputs
df_target_encoded = target_mean_encoding(df, col=['cate1'], target='label')
| 0| 0.5|
| 1| 0.5|
| 0| 0.0|
| 0| 0.0|
| 1| 1.0|
# if you want to keep the same column name after target mean encoder
df_target_encoded.withColumnRenamed('cate1_mean_encoding', 'cate1')
| 0| 0.5|
| 1| 0.5|
| 0| 0.0|
| 0| 0.0|
| 1| 1.0|