I lost the pepper password, and looking for the 'hardest' reset using Choregraphe. Some answers mentioned using chorégraphe and python codes, but cannot find the full instruction anywhere.
If you've lost the robot's password, you can use this use an Aldebaran account to factory reset the robot.
Open the settings menu on Pepper's tablet and go to the third tab, like below (sorry, it's for a NAO, but looks similar for Pepper). Click Edit account to check your account details. If you can't remember the password you can create a new account here and enter those details.
Then go to the settings tab and click factory reset. Enter your Aldebaran account details and Pepper will begin the reset. After about 10 minutes Pepper will restart and you can enter a new robot password.
Note: this will erase all the applications and data saved on your robot. But unfortunately, if you've forgotten the robot password there's no way to recover the data.