I have 1 running server for handle C-Move, 2 running server for handle C-Store and remote pacs server(GEPACS)
When i tried to C-Move command from remote pacs to C-Store handler, 1 server(py-netdicom) is build and save the file properly and 1 server(go-netdicom) is not.
So there was couple of problems in go-netdicom. I fixed the code can handle hexadecimals. It originally not supported on go-netdicom. This was fix almost every problems in my case but still cannot store pixel data properly.
For example, I got 9117252 bytes from original signal from remote pacs and I saved the data itself, but actually it needs to be 18000000 bytes(got an error). even CT images are short for 3 times(got approximately 180000, but need 524288)
I think the problem caused by might be the encapsulation of pixel-data but not sure.
Is there any tip or some help?
Thank you.
EDIT 4: I've got a clue.link here
Somehow C-STORE command have a kind of transfer syntax. This offer to scp type(compressed or not) of data scu get. But still I don't have a idea which part of go-netdicom has to be changed. I'll delete "python" tag because this is not related with python anymore.
I found the solution.
Somehow, GEPACS send the certain transfer syntax for JPEG compression. if go-netdicom doesn't have the TransferSyntaxUID then pick the GEPACS's first transfer syntax and that was for JPEG compression.
i just put bigendian and explicitvr (GEPACS default) when transfersyntax is empty.
which placed in contextmanager.go line 101 on AssociateRequest, line 127
Hope this result help someone.
Thank you