I has the following class that represents a View that is touchable and draw a Slide Bar.
public class SlideBar extends View {
private int progress;
private int max;
private Paint background;
private Paint upground;
private RectF bar;
private boolean firstDraw;
public SlideBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
progress = 0;
upground = new Paint();
background = new Paint();
private void onFirstDraw() {
max = getWidth();
bar = new RectF(0, 19, max, 21);
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (!firstDraw) {
progress = max;
firstDraw = true;
canvas.drawRoundRect(bar, 5, 5, background);
canvas.drawCircle(progress, 20, 9, upground);
public void setValue(int value) {
progress = value;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent evt) {
progress = (int) evt.getX();
return false;
But when touching and dragging it, I receive a ACTION_DOWN, some ACTION_MOVEs then receive a ACTION_CANCEL and no further events.
Why it's happens? I don't want to cancel the event and enable it to keep dragging bar.
happens when a parent view takes over control of one of its children views.
Take a look at the documentation around ViewGroup.onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) method. From the link:
method to handle; this means you should implement onTouchEvent()
to return true, so you will continue to see the rest of the gesture (instead of looking for a parent view to handle it). Also, by returning true from onTouchEvent()
, you will not receive any following events in onInterceptTouchEvent()
and all touch processing must happen in onTouchEvent()
like normal.onTouchEvent()
, and all further events will be delivered to your onTouchEvent()
method and no longer appear here