My MySQL version is below v8.0 and I would like to assign row_number() over (partition by AAB) with the table below. I tried the following codes and it did not work.How can I get it work?
@part:=AAB as AAB,
@num:=if(@part=AAB,@num:=@num+1,1) as rank
from IMPO_MEMB_AAAE a, (select @part:=null,@num:=0) b
order by AAB,AAG;
This problem highlights the issue with using variables for this form of computation. Your issue is that you are evaluating @num
later in the SELECT
list than you evaluate @part
and as it happens @part
gets assigned its new value before @num
is computed, meaning that @part=AAB
is always true. You can work around this by placing @num
before @part
in the SELECT
list, but as they say in the manual:
The order of evaluation for expressions involving user variables is undefined. For example, there is no guarantee that SELECT @a, @a:=@a+1 evaluates @a first and then performs the assignment.
As it happens it generally does seem to work that way so until you upgrade you can probably use this query:
@num:=if(@part=AAB,@num:=@num+1,1) as rank,
@part:=AAB as AAB,
from IMPO_MEMB_AAAE a, (select @part:=null,@num:=0) b
order by AAB,AAG;
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