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How can select multiple values of an array of random numbers

I am creating a dice program to further my learning. The program will roll 5 dice and assign random number values to an array of 5 and print out the values. After that I am wanting the player to select the die or dice that he or she would like to keep, display those values and later I will create a method to roll the remaining dice.

I am having a problem with the selecting multiple dice part.

This is what I have so far:

    using System;

class HelloWorld {

  static void Main() {

    Random random = new Random();

    int[] diceEach = new int[5];

    int diceCount = 1;

    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        diceEach[i] = random.Next(1, 7);
        Console.WriteLine("Dice " + diceCount +": " + diceEach[i]);
    Console.WriteLine("To roll again hit R");

    Console.WriteLine("Please type the dice numbers that you would like to keep...");
    string diceKept = Console.ReadLine();

        if(diceKept == "1")

        else if(diceKept == "1")

        else if(diceKept == "3")

        else if(diceKept == "4")

        else if(diceKept == "5")

        else if(diceKept == "r")
            Console.WriteLine("You have chosen to roll again");




I have it currently printing out one dice value that you select but I wasn't sure how to print out multiple selections. The only way I can think of is typing out all the options. But that doesn't seem right and would make my code so long.

I was thinking some sort of a loop might work? But I can see how.

This is my first time posting here so hopefully I did it right. Thanks in advance!


  • Another way you could solve it would be to loop until the user is done selecting dice to keep and wants to re-roll using a do...while loop.

            string diceKept;
                Console.WriteLine("Please type the dice number that you would like to keep...and type 'r' to when finished to re-roll remaining dice");
                diceKept = Console.ReadLine();
                if(int.TryParse(diceKept, out var diceNumber))
                    // I am making an assumption here that the user will always input a number between 1-6.
                    // It would be best to put some logic to catch that scenario though.
                    Console.WriteLine(diceEach[diceNumber - 1]);
            } while (diceKept.ToLower() != "r");
            Console.WriteLine("Now re-rolling the rest....");
            // Do some re-relling stuff here.