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Vuetify v-carousel multiple components

I want to display the carousel component inside multiple components. That's my carousel component:

        <v-carousel-item v-for="image in images" 

This component is inside my other components where i want to show this carousel. Inside each components i have one array of objects with all my images i want to display How can i pass these images through my carousel component?

What's the best way to do this? I hope it's clear, i just started to study vue

Thank you very much


  • You'll add a property called "images" to your carousel component in the script block. Then, you'll use the component elsewhere.

    Carousel Component:

            <v-carousel-item v-for="image in images" 
    export default {
      props: {
        images: {
          type: Array,
          // Arrays and Objects must return factory functions instead of
          // literal values. You can't do `default: []`, you have to do
          // `default: function() { return []; }`... what I wrote was the 
          // short-hand for how to do it with ES6 fat-arrow functions
          default: () => ([]) 

    And you can now use the carousel elsewhere...

        My beautiful carousel: <my-carousel :images="myImages"/>
    import MyCarousel from './MyCarousel.vue'
    export default {
      components: { MyCarousel }, // "MyCarousel" converts to either camelcase or title case (my-carousel || MyCarousel)
      data() {
        return {
          myImages: [{ alt: 'A kitten', src: '' }]