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Swift - Run 1000 async tasks with a sleeper after every 50 - how to communicate btw DispatchGroups

I have to run 1000 async calculations. Since the API has a limit of 50 requests/min I have to split it up into chunks of 50 and wait for a minute after processing once chunk. Eventually I want to print the results.

resultsArray = [Double]()
// chunked is an extension
points.chunked(into: 50).forEach { pointsChunk in
    pointsChunk.forEach { pointsPair
        // this function is async
        service.calculate(pointsPair) { result in
    // wait for a minute before continuing with the next chunk

// after all 1000 calculations are done, print result

I did try finding a solution with using DispatchGroup but struggled on how to incorporate a timer:

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "MyQueue", attributes: .concurrent)
let chunkGroup = DispatchGroup()
let workGroup = DispatchGroup()

points.chunked(into: 50).forEach { pointsChunk in
   pointsChunk.forEach { routePointsPair in
        // do something async and in the callback:
   workGroup.notify(queue: queue) {
      do { sleep(60) }

chunkGroup.notify(queue: .main) {

This just executes all chunks at once instead of delayed by 60 seconds.


  • What I have implemented in a similar situation is manual suspending and resuming of my serial queue.

    my queue reference:

    public static let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.queue.MyProvider.Serial")
    func serialQueue() -> DispatchQueue {
        return MyProvider.serialQueue

    suspend queue:

    func suspendSerialQueue() -> Void {

    resume queue after delay:

    func resumeSerialQueueAfterDelay(seconds: Double) -> Void { .userInitiated).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + seconds) {

    This way I have full control over when I suspend and when I resume the queue and I can spread out many API calls evenly over longer period of time.

    self.serialQueue().async {
      // API call completion block {
         self.resumeSerialQueueAfterDelay(seconds: delay)

    Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but maybe you can adapt my example to your needs.