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Given a polynomial function as a string, return the first derivative as a string

I'm attempting to create a simple derivative calculator function that takes a polynomial function as string, and returns the first derivative as another string. I'm a beginner and am completely lost on how to start.

def derivative(str):

derivative("3*x^2 + 4*x - 22") # Should return 6*x^1 + 4*x^0 - 0

If someone could help me get started with this, I would greatly appreciate it!


  • Python's symbolic library sympy can take care of converting a string to a symbolic expression and of taking derivatives. Note that Python uses ** for power, while ^ is only used for the boolean exclusive or. convert_xor takes care of converting the ^ to a power.

    Here is some sample code to get you started and experimenting.

    from sympy import sympify, Derivative
    from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr, standard_transformations, convert_xor
    def derivative(str_expr):
        transformations = (standard_transformations + (convert_xor,))
        expr = parse_expr(str_expr, transformations=transformations)
        return str(Derivative(expr).doit())
    print(derivative("3*x^2 + 4*x - 22"))


    6*x + 4
    (x*sin(x)/cos(x)**2 + 1/cos(x))*cos(x/cos(x))
    (2*sqrt(x)/sqrt(1 - x**4) - asin(x**2)/(2*x**(3/2)))*exp(asin(x**2)/sqrt(x))
    LambertW(x)/(x*(LambertW(x) + 1))