Is there any way to get strings out of excel spreadsheets with XLRD? I'm handling data with Electricity Meters, and the ID number of the meters keeps being returned out as a float, with a ".0" on the end. It has forced me to a halt, so if anyone has any ideas, that would be really helpful!
Assuming i have excel data as shown below electrical.xlsx
The code which i can write to check if there is any float data type present. If it is present, then convert to string.
import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook('electrical.xlsx')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
data = []
for row in range(0, sheet.nrows):
l = []
for column in range(0, sheet.ncols):
val = sheet.cell(row, column).value
if isinstance(val,float):
print(data) # [['Meter ID', 'value'], ['id101', '1'], ['id102', '2'], ['id103', '3']]