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Gatling: How to extract one object from array?

I am new in Gatling and Scala. Sending Get Request the response body is Array and I need to extract only one object from Array and post it in Gatling. Can someone explain to me how to do it?

Here is my code example:

private val getUsers = exec(
      http("Get users")

The result that I get is:


How to get whatever only one User from this array and post entire User object?


  • if you switch to a jsonPath check, you can get all the user objects into a Vector which has some nice support in the Gatling EL

    so instead of


    you can use


    then when you come to make your subsequent calls, you can do things like

    select the 1st user with


    select a random user with


    This approach will also allow you to use .forEach to interate over all the records